
Desktop version:

1. Click [Sign-in] button at top right.

2. Key-in your email at [Create an Account] and click [Create an Account] button.

3. Key-in ( * required field):

3a. Title Mr. / Mrs. / Ms.

3b. *First Name

3c. *Last Name

3d. *Password: (any password you like, minimum 5 characters)

3e. Date of Birth:

4. Click [Register]



Mobile version:

1. Click [ 三 Menu Button] on Top Left (Next to store Logo)

2. Click [Sign-in] button at menu bottom.

3. Key-in your email at [Create an Account] and click [Create an Account] button.

4. Key-in ( * required field):

4a. Title Mr. / Mrs. / Ms.

4b. *First Name

4c. *Last Name

4d. *Password: (any password you like, minimum 5 characters)

4e. Date of Birth:

5. Click [Register]

